Step On a Crack... Learn From a Hurt Back

Step On a Crack… Learn From a Hurt Back

Photo by Hadis Safari on Unsplash

I finished an 80-day workout program this past week and wanted to avoid falling into a workout slump.  I decided Yoga seemed like a relaxing way to begin a new chapter of fitness. However, the next day when I bent to pick up a few library books and a glass container filled with cookies for my boyfriend and his kids, searing pain shot across my lower back. I quickly had to set everything down and just lie down on the ground. Being stuck on the floor isn’t fun by the way. Here is what I have learned from having a hurt back:

If you aren’t completely honest with yourself mentally, your body may weigh in.

I had been dragging my feet that day to get out of the house.  I wanted to see my boyfriend and his kids, but my energy was low and I wasn’t in the best mood. I was now forced to stay home because of my hurt back.  I’ve also been wanting to reconnect with nature and my planner contains evidence of my many attempts.  I will now be walking to heal and walking during breaks at work. This will encourage my connecting with nature. According to much of my strained back research, sitting for most of the day is uh pretty bad for us and our backs.

Sometimes you just gotta do the thing.

I am an extrovert so being homebound can create a certain level of cabin fever. However, I have also completed those nagging tasks that I have been procrastinating. I have also had time to do regular work on this blog. This has caused me to be productive and I feel quite good about it!

Be careful with yourself!

I truly thought I was relatively fit and unsusceptible to being injured by a mindless, small, movement. I was not only brought to my knees (and eventually the floor) but I was also humbled.  Be careful with yourself!!  I wonder about the timing of this injury, I’m not someone who believes in coincidences. Did my mind tell my body “Hey! She’s done with that 80-day program FINALLY! Let’s relax!”?

Stressing and being angry with yourself will not promote healing.

I was not positive most of the time, to be honest. I was mostly upset with myself and then just frustrated. Injuries are painful and inconvenient. But what choice did I have once it was done and I was home alone? Stressing and being angry was not going to help me heal. So why not look at the things I could learn right?


I have learned many things from having a hurt back but the most important has been gratitude. Gratitude for my health. Gratitude for my mom who came two days in a row to: help me ice and heat my back, give me massages, bring me lunch, and watch movies with me. I was also grateful for my boyfriend who after a tough day at work, brought me dinner and kept me company.  Additionally, I was grateful for my everyday interactions with people. When you lose that for a few days… well, let’s just say you may start to strike up conversations with your InstaCart delivery person or get tempted to invite yourself into your new neighbor’s newly renovated apartment.

How about you? Has a minor injury or setback taught you some valuable nuggets for life? Please share because I would love to read them!

1 Comment
  • Nathan Neuberg
    Posted at 16:49h, 26 May Reply

    Great article! So inspirational! I want to read everything you write!

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