9 Ways To Improve Your Morning Routine
3 mins Productivity

9 Ways to Improve Your Morning Routine

Are you truly satisfied with your morning routine?

I’ve always basked in the ideal morning routine demonstrated on countless tv shows and movies. You know what I mean right? Where everyone is dressed, able to have a sit-down breakfast or leisurely sip coffee, and possibly read the paper or a book (or more likely scroll social media right?). But alas! We live in reality and this is more what it looks like: hitting the snooze button for the third time only to realize with one eye open that it is much later than you thought, you jump out of bed and rush through your morning routine which doesn’t put you in the best mood. It is neither a calm, nor enjoyable experience.

What if we could improve our morning routine so that the ideal morning is more of a reality? We deserve to have great mornings and help set the tone of the rest of our day to one of positivity and inspiration. Ok, maybe not every morning, but most! Here are some suggestions to improve your morning routine and create that perfect, more enjoyable morning you deserve:

Use Your Evenings Wisely:

  • Get quality sleep!
  • Pick out your clothes ahead of time.
  • Review or plan out your next day

9 Ways to Improve Your Morning Routine:

1. Make Your Bed

It’s the small things that count! Less than a minute and you’ve already knocked something out to make your entire room and headspace feel cleaner.

2. Hydrate

Drinking water helps you rehydrate after sleeping for so many hours without it

3. Create a Soundtrack

Maybe you prefer calming nature sounds or your favorite music and maybe you prefer silence. Be aware of what you enjoy in the morning.

4. Wake Up Earlier

While this might not be easy at first, the extra time you gain for yourself will be worth it.

5. Take a Break from the Snooze Button

Try not hitting it for a week and just getting up and seeing what happens

6. Stretch Your Body

Challenge yourself to stretch or move your body right after you get up. You’ll feel more mentally and physically ready for your day!

7. Journal

When we wake up, our minds are already racing. Writing things down can magically alleviate you from stress. If you’re not yet an avid journaler, keep it simple. Focus on three goals or intentions for the day.

8. Mindfully Enjoy Your Shower

Think of the water washing away sleep and invigorating you for the morning. Treat yourself to a yummy smelling shower gel that you can look forward to being enveloped in.  (One of my favorites is “Honey I Washed the Kids”, by LUSH don’t judge until you’ve smelled it!)

9. Morning Affirmations

Write them down or think of them in your head. Affirming yourself will help encourage positivity throughout the day. Here are some examples:

  • I am strong, healthy, and vibrant
  • I have an abundance of energy
  • Today I will change my life

I’m the first to attest that changing up a morning routine is ambitious. But patience is key. Like most habits, it’s important to start small – maybe even choosing just one thing first. Remember your “why”. What is your purpose in changing up or improving your morning routine? Is it to lower your stress? Have more energy? Write it somewhere you will see every morning. Connecting what it’s worth to you may help you stick to it. I hope you gain something from these 9 ways to improve your morning routine! Do you have others to suggestions? Let me know!

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